Since our provider now supports native IPv6 (including reverse DNS) we changed our IPv6 configuration and now no longer use an IPv6 Tunnel Broker. Therefore we had two short service outages today to reboot the machine and activate the new settings.
If you are using IPv6 you might have to flush your DNS (or wait up to 24 hours from now) to get the correct IPs back from DNS.
We just activated XMPP Housekeeping for the and domains. These two domains joined…
We upgraded the Jabber server to Prosody 0.12 (from 0.11) yesterday, see the changelog.
If anyone is looking for a Matrix server besides or, please visit us…
We did a lot of digging into the issues that the browser windows froze when…
We just added another public domain to our XMPP/Jabber server: For the future we…