

Yesterday we took over the domain openim.de and the XMPP/Jabber users running on it. The service would have been discontinued…

2 years ago

Converse.js finally works here

We did a lot of digging into the issues that the browser windows froze when logging into our web client,…

3 years ago

New public domain: hot-chilli.im

We just added another public domain to our XMPP/Jabber server: hot-chilli.im For the future we plan to use this domain…

3 years ago


We changed our HTTP File Upload backend to prosody-filer yesterday. Siskin users can upload files now, too.

4 years ago

Tor Hidden Service now as v3

We just launched a v3 Tor Hidden Service for the Jabber/XMPP server under the nice address of: chillingguw3yu2rmrkqsog4554egiry6fmy264l5wblyadds3c2lnyd.onion As the…

4 years ago

New HTTP Upload storage limits

We changed the HTTP Upload storage limits some weeks ago: 512MB per file, 1GB overall

5 years ago

Lots of new transport services

There was a lot of work lately on our transports. We sent some transports into retirement, some of those transports…

5 years ago

Jitsi Meet

Everyone is talking about Jitsi Meet. Probably mainly because you cannot meet at the moment and are looking for alternative…

5 years ago

biboumi IRC transport

Recently we changed our IRC transport from Spectrum 2 to biboumi. If you are using the IRC transport you might…

5 years ago

Storage limits

We changed some storage limits in the last days: HTTP Upload: 50MB per file, 100MB overall quota Automatic deletion of…

6 years ago