Hello Sir, i can't receive message on my jabbar, the site says "Your contact offline message queue is full. The message has been discarded"
Please advice what to do.
Warm regards
If your offline message queue is full you need to log into your Jabber account and read the messages stored in the offline message queue. The messages get delivered then and the queue gets empty again.
Hello Sir, i have login to my jabber but can not find where the offline message queue is stored please help
Offline messages are stored whenever you are not logged into your account. When you log in again the stored offline messages are delivered to your client and deleted on the server. There is a offline message storage time limit, for details about that please see here.
I can not retrieve my code to gain access to my yale lodge site...help
Why isn't there clear instructions about using the transports? Maybe I'm new to jabber, but I don't know how to use transports and I can't find the information. If it's here in the site, it's at least not easy to find.
Unfortunally we do not have more than provided on the website. At the moment. We will try to create a documentation or at least link to other websites in the future.
How do I delete/remove one of the active resources from my account? An active resource in this case would be an old xmpp client that I no longer use, in this case "Jitsi".
adium keep asking me to reenter password..and wont come alive
The Jabber services are up and running. Sure you do not have a password problem with your account? Do you remember the password right?
How do I find my jabb3r id
If you did not write it down it will be hard to find it. But if you entered a mail address please let me know and I will lookup your JID.
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how do i reply to a message
i forget my vlcub login pasword please reset my pasowrd
I signed up for an account on your servers. Thank you very much. One question: Do you allow the creation of a persistent MUC room?
How do I log in to check and send messages?
By using any Jabber client, e.g. our web client: https://jabber.hot-chilli.net/conversejs/
Hi i can log in into the converse it never open
Hello Sir, i can't receive message on my jabbar, the site says "Your contact offline message queue is full. The message has been discarded"
Please advice what to do.
Warm regards
If your offline message queue is full you need to log into your Jabber account and read the messages stored in the offline message queue. The messages get delivered then and the queue gets empty again.
Hello Sir, i have login to my jabber but can not find where the offline message queue is stored please help
Offline messages are stored whenever you are not logged into your account. When you log in again the stored offline messages are delivered to your client and deleted on the server. There is a offline message storage time limit, for details about that please see here.
I can not retrieve my code to gain access to my yale lodge site...help
Why isn't there clear instructions about using the transports? Maybe I'm new to jabber, but I don't know how to use transports and I can't find the information. If it's here in the site, it's at least not easy to find.
Unfortunally we do not have more than provided on the website. At the moment. We will try to create a documentation or at least link to other websites in the future.
How do I delete/remove one of the active resources from my account? An active resource in this case would be an old xmpp client that I no longer use, in this case "Jitsi".
adium keep asking me to reenter password..and wont come alive
The Jabber services are up and running. Sure you do not have a password problem with your account? Do you remember the password right?
How do I find my jabb3r id
If you did not write it down it will be hard to find it. But if you entered a mail address please let me know and I will lookup your JID.