Ok, the server move is almost finished. JMC, jDisk and SMS have still to be moved, that's gonna happen later…
Due to massive hardware problems we will move the Jabber service to a new machine. This will happen soon, maybe…
ICQ, MSN, AIM, Yahoo! and J2J (XMPP) transports were migrated to Spectrum transports yesterday evening and night. After accidentally stumbled…
The switch to MySQL was used to test virtual hosts on the Jabber server which works really great. Next to…
On December 22nd, 2008, we switched the ejabberd daemon from Mnesia storage to MySQL storage.
Migration from jabberd 1.x to ejabberd on August 29th, 2006. The transports were also migrated (to PyXXXt).
jabber.hot-chilli.net went online as a public Jabber service on March 19th, 2005 on jabberd 1.x with ICQ, AIM and Yahoo!…