Hi :)

I’m using Psi+ v0.16.25 but I’ve experienced the same problems with Psi 0.15 and Pidgin so I suspect it’s not client’s problem.

P1. Problem with in-band registration

You recommend creating an account this way and not via your website. Unfortunately I am unable to do that.

In Psi+ I choose jabber.hot-chilli.net server. Encryption is set to “when available”. Proxy: none. I get information that your certificate is not valid

(seems it’s valid since Jan 7 to Jan 9). I accept the certificate. I enter user name and password for the new account (I’ve ticked “Register new

account” earlier). I get a message that there was a problem during account registration. Reason: “Not acceptable”. Error message:
“The recipient or server udnerstands the request but is refusing to process it because it does not meet criteria defined by the recipient or server

(e.g., a local policy regarding acceptable words in messages). You are not allowed to register an account”.

Finally I created an account via you web page.

P2. Problem registering to GaduGadu and ICQ transports.

I click “Service Discovery” and get a list of your services. I try to register to Hot-Chilli GaduGadu Transport and get:
“Unable to retrievie registration form. Reason: Forbidden. The requesting entity does not posses the required permissions to perform the action”.
The same is with ICQ transport.

P3. Problem with services descriptions (or maybe with services themselves?)

When I click some services (which causes Psi+ to get information about them) their name just changes to “Prosody”. It happens with “Hot-Chilli anonymous

Jabber domain”, with all “Hot-Chilli secondary public Jabber domain” and also with some other services. This doesn’t look right – has someone forgot to

enter meaningful information there? Or maybe those services doesn’t work properly? Such behavior raises doubts…

Also, some questions about jabber hosting:

Q1. How do I make the payment? Via “Donate” button in “Support us”? It would be nice to have a dedicated button in “jabber Hosting” section.

Q2. Do I have to create a regular account (in jabber.hot-chilli.net domain) first?

Q3. When will jabber hosting be activated? After you confirm the payment? Or right away? I would like to test your service for a short period of time

before paying for whole year :)


I’m looking for a stable xmpp/jabber server with jabber hosting, gg transport and message archiving and I’m willing to pay for it ;) But is jabber.hot-

chilli.net such a server? I hope it is… Any thoughts?

Cheers :)