Funktionen Transportdienste

Remote roster

Soeben haben wir den Server neu gestartet um Remote roster zu aktivieren. Was ist das?

What’s Remote roster?

Remote roster is protoXEP which allows your server to synchronize legacy network contact list with your users’ rosters. Currently it works only for local users (users registered on the same server which supports this protoXEP). It’s available for Ejabberd 2.1.x and Prosody.

Why should I use it?

It allows to your users following features:

  • When they register their account and login for first time, they won’t receive lots of subscribe presences or Roster Item Exchanged stanza. All their legacy network buddies just appear in their roster with proper groups and nicknames.
  • When they will unregistering their account, buddies are just removed from their rosters without need of unsubscribing them.
  • When they rename some buddy in their Jabber roster, it’s renamed also in legacy network.
  • When they move some buddy into different groups, it’s moved also in legacy network.
  • All changes made in legacy network when transport is disconnected are synchronized with Jabber account once they become online in Jabber.

Text der Spectrum Webseite entnommen.

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