Downtimes Maintenance Security

Upgrade to ejabberd 2.1.5

During this night (CEST) we upgraded the Jabber server to ejabberd 2.1.5 – this time the Debian package came available very soon. :-)

6 replies on “Upgrade to ejabberd 2.1.5”

Sorry to be a complete pain, would I be able to “test” the bot if you told me what the bots username was please :) .



Well, you add the Bot contact to your roster. That’s it. ;-)

But I don’t use, I just made an account there to test it with our server as there were problems months ago.

Excellent news, thabks for the update.

Hoe long would you think it would be likley being added to hot-chilli?

Hello Andrew,

the latest stable (official) version of Spectrum is 0.3.1, but we are running development versions, which are released daily. The current development version we are running is 2010/08/10. is running, I am running a test account for weeks now.


Will you be upgrading the Sepctrum transport to 1.4 which has just been upgraded, and will be available on hot-chillt?

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