Downtimes Maintenance Security

Upgrade to ejabberd 2.1.6

Finally the Debian package for ejabberd 2.1.6 is available. Therefore we will perform an upgrade to ejabberd 2.1.6 in the next minutes. There will be a short service outage.

Downtimes Maintenance Security

Upgrade to ejabberd 2.1.5

During this night (CEST) we upgraded the Jabber server to ejabberd 2.1.5 – this time the Debian package came available very soon. :-)

Downtimes Maintenance Security

Upgrade to ejabberd 2.1.4

At about noon CEST today I just upgraded the server to ejabberd 2.1.4, which is a bugfixing release. Finally the Debian package is available. Sorry for the less than five minute short service downtime. ;-)

Downtimes Maintenance Security

Upgrade to ejabberd 2.1.3

At 2pm CEST today I just upgraded the server to ejabberd 2.1.3, which is a bugfixing release. Finally the Debian package is available. Sorry for the less than one minute short service downtime. ;-)
