Features Transports

Lots of new transport services

There was a lot of work lately on our transports. We sent some transports into retirement, some of those transports were not working as the native network was not existing anymore, like AIM and ICQ. And we got a lot of new transports like Telegram, Instagram and Discord. Check out the complete list here. Most transports run on Spectrum 2, but there is also Biboumi for one of our IRC transports and whatsxmpp for WhatsApp.

We know that some transports don’t work or have issues. Please report these issues either directly to the maintainers or into our Support MUC. We are working with the maintainers a lot at the moment and were able to fix a lot of bugs and also did implement new features. And we want to keep this going.

Features Transports

biboumi IRC transport

Recently we changed our IRC transport from Spectrum 2 to biboumi. If you are using the IRC transport you might have noticed it already. ;-) If not and you will use it in the future we hope you like it.