Maintenance Problems Transports

New SSL certificates

Because there are problems/bugs with ejabberd 13.x connecting to our transports we just replaced the certificate for our main virtual host This host also does service our transports.

Until then we had used a certificate with the common name *, now we have one with and * common names which does not lead to the problem.

Some days ago we already replaced the * due to the OpenSSL Heartbleed bug.

Maintenance Transports

Migration to Prosody and Spectrum 2

Mainly because of performance issues we will migrate the server from ejabberd to Prosody in the next days or weeks. Also the Spectrum 1 transports will be migrated to Spectrum 2. To create the less disturbance possible we migrate everything to a new server machine.

Anyway there will be downtimes, because sometime we have to migrate the user data and switch the DNS records.

As you can imagine some things will change in the future, which is perfectly normal when using a complete different software. We will try to keep as many feature we offer today plus adding the benefits and features of the new software to the server.

We will keep you posted, this was just intended to be a first basic information.

Ideas, suggestions, questions? Write us! :-)

Downtimes Maintenance Security

Upgrade to ejabberd 2.1.10

We just upgraded ejabberd to 2.1.10. Therefore the service was down for some minutes. Everything should be up and running again.

Downtimes Problems

Server flatlined third day in a row

At the moment we don’t have any idea why. As I am in Italy right now I will investigate this after my return home in the middle of the week. Please stay tuned.

Is anybody aware of any current exploits for ejabberd?

Downtimes Maintenance Security

Upgrade to ejabberd 2.1.6

Finally the Debian package for ejabberd 2.1.6 is available. Therefore we will perform an upgrade to ejabberd 2.1.6 in the next minutes. There will be a short service outage.

Downtimes Maintenance Security

Upgrade to ejabberd 2.1.5

During this night (CEST) we upgraded the Jabber server to ejabberd 2.1.5 – this time the Debian package came available very soon. :-)

Downtimes Maintenance Security

Upgrade to ejabberd 2.1.4

At about noon CEST today I just upgraded the server to ejabberd 2.1.4, which is a bugfixing release. Finally the Debian package is available. Sorry for the less than five minute short service downtime. ;-)

Features Transports

IRC transport migrated to Spectrum

We just migrated IRC transport to Spectrum. Before it was a core feature of ejabberd, the software we use for the Jabber server itself. Spectrum has more features, so we switched.

If you experience any problems please let us know.