We just upgraded the Jabber server to Prosody 0.9.2, see the changelog.
The most important bugfix is the bug related to zlib compression used with encrypted connections. It seems that this is finally fixed! :-)
We just upgraded the Jabber server to Prosody 0.9.2, see the changelog.
The most important bugfix is the bug related to zlib compression used with encrypted connections. It seems that this is finally fixed! :-)
We upgraded the Jabber server from Prosody 0.8 to 0.9 today! This brings a lot of new features, I just want to name IPv6 support and a Web Admin interface for our Jabber hosting customers. :-)
After migrating from ejabberd to Prosody we had to dump IPv6, which is now coming back. We are very happy about that and cannot wait how statistics will change after we support it again. ;-)
Also we installed several new modules with some new features.
A big thank you to Matt, the chief maintainer of Prosody! :-) The server upgrade only took about 20 minutes until the server was up and running again. Without him this would not have been possible. We run some special configs which had to be taken care of.
Mainly because of performance issues we will migrate the server from ejabberd to Prosody in the next days or weeks. Also the Spectrum 1 transports will be migrated to Spectrum 2. To create the less disturbance possible we migrate everything to a new server machine.
Anyway there will be downtimes, because sometime we have to migrate the user data and switch the DNS records.
As you can imagine some things will change in the future, which is perfectly normal when using a complete different software. We will try to keep as many feature we offer today plus adding the benefits and features of the new software to the server.
We will keep you posted, this was just intended to be a first basic information.
Ideas, suggestions, questions? Write us! :-)
We updated the certificate yesterday. Now it is valid again until January 2014.
We just upgraded ejabberd to 2.1.10. Therefore the service was down for some minutes. Everything should be up and running again.
In the next days we will implement script to delete inactive users from our databases (Jabber server and Transport services). Most users in our databases are inactive so we want to get rid of them. This reduces the overhead and leads to better usage statistics. Also it is freeing up usernames which can be registered again by new users.
There will be an exclude list. If you think your username should be on the exclude list, please get in touch with us and tell us why. ;-)
As soon as the deletion jobs are ready to run the first time we will announce this about a day in advance.
Finally the Debian package for ejabberd 2.1.6 is available. Therefore we will perform an upgrade to ejabberd 2.1.6 in the next minutes. There will be a short service outage.
Since our provider now supports native IPv6 (including reverse DNS) we changed our IPv6 configuration and now no longer use an IPv6 Tunnel Broker. Therefore we had two short service outages today to reboot the machine and activate the new settings.
If you are using IPv6 you might have to flush your DNS (or wait up to 24 hours from now) to get the correct IPs back from DNS.