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Service outage due to third hard disk failure since summer

Due to the third hard disk failure since summer all Jabber services and this website will be down for some time starting today at 10:00pm CET. Sorry guys, but the hard disk needs to be replaced. But for events like this the server runs a RAID1 array.

/EDIT 7:18pm: Our server provider needs more tests, so the 10pm date is cancelled. We will announce the service outage in a new blog article when clear.


Service outage due to another hard disk failure

Due to another hard disk failure all Jabber services and this website will be down for some time starting today at 11:45pm CEST. Sorry guys, but the hard disk needs to be replaced. But for events like this the server runs a RAID1 array.

Features Transports

Twitter migrated to Spectrum 2

Along with other transports in the last days and weeks Twitter was migrated to Spectrum 2 today.

With Twitter you have some more features. Instead of using the personal messages from you can use your personal Twitter chatroom at

Sending #help to the Twitter transport gives you this:

#status ==> Update your status
#timeline [username] ==> Retrieve ‘s timeline; Default – own timeline
@ ==> Send a directed message to the user
#retweet ==> Retweet the tweet having id
#follow ==> Follow user
#unfollow ==> Stop Following user
#mode [012] ==> Switch mode to 0(single), 1(multiple) or 2(chatroom)
#help ==> Print this help message


Jabber server back online with new hard disk

The server is back online again with a brand new 3TB hard disk. The RAID array is rebuilding now. The services were down from 12:30pm to 1:15pm CEST.


Service outage due to hard disk failure

Due to a hard disk failure all Jabber services and this website will be down for some time starting today at 12:45pm CEST. Sorry guys, but the hard disk needs to be replaced. But for events like this the server runs a RAID1 array.


URL change for web presence

The URL for the web presence service has changed, please see here.

Features Migration

Web Client and web based support chat back online

The Web Client and the web based support chat are back online. Many people asked for the Web Client, so I took some time to bring it back to life yesterday. Have fun! ;-)
