Features Security

Tor Hidden Service now as v3

We just launched a v3 Tor Hidden Service for the Jabber/XMPP server under the nice address of: chillingguw3yu2rmrkqsog4554egiry6fmy264l5wblyadds3c2lnyd.onion
As the v2 Tor Hidden Service is deprecated and will not work anymore from October 2021 please update your connection settings to the new Tor address. We will keep the old v2 address online for a while, but no later than October this year it will be shut down.

Features Security

We support OMEMO!

A few days ago Daniel Gultsch added the column XEP-0384: OMEMO Encryption to his compliance list. It suggested that only supports OMEMO Encryption, which isn’t true. Yesterday an explanation was added to one of the source files of the ComplianceTester and also a question mark was added to the column mentioned above, which is a link to this explanation.

Daniel Gultsch strongly recommends that the servers PEP module should support publish-options. If enabled, Conversations starting with version 1.20, will be able to send OMEMO encrypted messages to clients, without the need to add them to your roster first. This is a great new feature and we like it, and would like to support it, but currently the PEP module from Prosody does not support publish-options (yet).

Long speak short: You can still use Conversations and other clients with OMEMO over our and other servers, but without the feature of writing encrypted messages to persons, who are not in your address book.

For more information please see here at I also reused some text of the blog post of Sebastian as it describes everything quite good. So thank you for that, Sebastian! ;-)

Migration Security

Let’s Encrypt

We just moved from StartSSL to Let’s Encrypt certificates for all public Jabber domains including the certificate for this website. You can find the new certificate fingerprints on the Server Specifications page.

Maintenance Problems Security

More new certs

We updated our old expired certificates a while ago. And now I just updated the website. You can find the new fingerprints here.

Also we had some problems with certificates, especially on this website. Sometimes the webserver delivered the old and expired certificate. This was because some old tasks of Apache were still in the memory. Problem solved three days ago.

Maintenance Security

New certs for, and

A short time before the old certificates expire we setup some new ones:
Fingerprint: b1:38:25:b4:8d:4b:de:b0:83:18:88:21:95:3b:82:41:00:0f:24:8d and (and also for this website):
Fingerprint: f3:74:6e:f0:bc:f6:7a:7e:15:d1:0b:83:6f:02:06:be:29:38:d5:f7

Security Website

New and secure website online

A few day ago we activated a new theme on our website. Also we switched from http to https. The benefits are that we do not get spam comments so much anymore with the features of the new WordPress theme. Also if you use our (now completly working) online account management tools (register, change password, remove, transport pre-registration) and online clients (JWChat and Jappix) you will not have to send any data unencrypted over the internet.

We love to read what you think about the changes. ;-)

Downtimes Maintenance Security

Upgrade to ejabberd 2.1.10

We just upgraded ejabberd to 2.1.10. Therefore the service was down for some minutes. Everything should be up and running again.

Features Security

Captcha activated for account registration

One of the main reasons we were really looking forward for ejabberd 2.1.6 is the support of captcha for mod_register. This module handles in-band registration, which means the interface where users can register through their client. This interface is also abused by spammers. We hope that the use of captchas will prevent most spam registrations.

If you client does not support captcha you well see a url where you can see the captcha in your browser window.
