Migration Security

Let’s Encrypt

We just moved from StartSSL to Let’s Encrypt certificates for all public Jabber domains including the certificate for this website. You can find the new certificate fingerprints on the Server Specifications page.

Maintenance Problems Security

More new certs

We updated our old expired certificates a while ago. And now I just updated the website. You can find the new fingerprints here.

Also we had some problems with certificates, especially on this website. Sometimes the webserver delivered the old and expired certificate. This was because some old tasks of Apache were still in the memory. Problem solved three days ago.

Maintenance Security

New certs for, and

A short time before the old certificates expire we setup some new ones:
Fingerprint: b1:38:25:b4:8d:4b:de:b0:83:18:88:21:95:3b:82:41:00:0f:24:8d and (and also for this website):
Fingerprint: f3:74:6e:f0:bc:f6:7a:7e:15:d1:0b:83:6f:02:06:be:29:38:d5:f7

Maintenance Problems Transports

New SSL certificates

Because there are problems/bugs with ejabberd 13.x connecting to our transports we just replaced the certificate for our main virtual host This host also does service our transports.

Until then we had used a certificate with the common name *, now we have one with and * common names which does not lead to the problem.

Some days ago we already replaced the * due to the OpenSSL Heartbleed bug.

Downtimes Features Maintenance

Proper certificates for secondary domains

To avoid login errors or messages and also to avoid certain problems with server-to-server connections we installed proper certificates for the secondary domains today.

We had to restart the Jabber services several times, sorry. The ejabberd config file isn’t commented very good, also Google didn’t tell us the correct settings in the first place. But everything works fine now.

PS: For old SSL connections to port 5223 there are no dynamic certificates. This just isn’t possible because of how SSL works.