Features Transports

Facebook transport for Facebook only

In the next days, weeks or months (it depends when the feature will be ready in Spectrum) we will implement white-/blacklists for our Facebook transport. After this the transport can only be used for Facebook – as it should be used. But as the Facebook transport is a “normal” XMPP transport many people use it for XMPP.

After the setup of white-/blacklists we will delete all non Facebook accounts out of the transport. Maybe we will move the non Facebook accounts to our XMPP/J2J transport, we’ll see.

So if you use our Facebook transport not for Facebook, please move to our XMPP/J2J transport.

BTW: Is there any need for a second XMPP transport as many of our users connect to more than one foreign XMPP account?

Features Transports

IRC transport migrated to Spectrum

We just migrated IRC transport to Spectrum. Before it was a core feature of ejabberd, the software we use for the Jabber server itself. Spectrum has more features, so we switched.

If you experience any problems please let us know.

Downtimes Features Maintenance

Pubsub/PEP migration to MySQL complete

…and it seems to work. Sorry for the 30 minute downtime because of that.

Downtimes Features Maintenance Transports

Server offline due to maintenance work this morning

The server was offline this morning because of Kernel and MySQL upgrade. It would have happened faster if the server rebooted cleanly after “shutdown -r now” which it didn’t. So we had to send someone there to reset the machine manually.

We also upgraded Spectrum to support JID escaping. If this works after our tests (there seem to be some problems with clients who don’t support the unofficial % character which is used for @) I write more about this here.


Moods now also work on secondary domains

We stumbled upon this by accident – moods (or to be precise: everything which Pubsub/PEP offer) did not work on secondary domains.

It works now, it was just a little configuration change. The Pubsub service subdomain (e.g. has to be the same domain as the Jabber service (e.g., not a subdomain of the Jabber server’s primary domain (e.g.


New public domains added

Last night we added two new public domains to the Jabber server:

Downtimes Features Maintenance

Proper certificates for secondary domains

To avoid login errors or messages and also to avoid certain problems with server-to-server connections we installed proper certificates for the secondary domains today.

We had to restart the Jabber services several times, sorry. The ejabberd config file isn’t commented very good, also Google didn’t tell us the correct settings in the first place. But everything works fine now.

PS: For old SSL connections to port 5223 there are no dynamic certificates. This just isn’t possible because of how SSL works.

Features How-to's Transports

Group chat via XMPP Transport

You can join group chats via our XMPP (J2J) Transport now.

To enter chatroom@jabberserver.tld please with the JID you use with our XMPP Transport join the following chat room: